Holiday Survival Guide and Energy Clearing Workshop
November 15, 2019 at 1-1:45pm ET (recording included)

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About Theresa Vee
Theresa Vee is a Love Warrior and a fierce stand for Peace. Her gift is to empower people to stand in their Truth and the Power of Who They Are by accessing their superpowers and living their Purpose for being here. She has facilitated deeply healing work for over 15 years as a speaker, healing arts practitioner, wellness professional, spiritual teacher, and Angelic channel. 

Called Rainbow Brite meets Xena Warrior Princess, Theresa is known for teaching complex spiritual principles in creative, relevant, and entertaining ways.

"Theresa has a way of bringing such clarity to these calls. She understands what is going on intuitively and energetically, and somehow translates it into solutions that are simple and easy to employ in everyday life.  I always feel as if she is speaking directly to me regardless of how large the group might be."

The call with Theresa was AWESOME—AMAZING. She is so full of energy and positive. I had tears in my eyes when she did a collective energy reading and healing of the callers listening. Her responses blew my mind.

— Carmelina Spina

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